Faydinkum Studios Logo - Web Design & Video Production

Client Form

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Client Questionnaire

Please take your time and answer ALL of these questions.

Web design and development is a collaborative process and needs your involvement at all the various stages.

Before you tell us about your requirements, let us explain a bit about how we work:

Our sites are built in WordPress, which will give you great, easy to use ongoing content management editing abilities.

We are big believers in your participation. Our expertise is in building a beautiful, functional website, designed for your specific needs. We will create the structure, but for the most part, we require you to provide content. We will be there for every step and guide you, but there is no point in having a content management system if you don’t know how to login, edit and add pages. This will mean a time & training commitment on your part.

All sites will be built to be “responsive” so that they work on smaller screens well.

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